Orthodontics together with orthognathic surgery how many days to recuperate.

Rehabilitation at the hospital about 2-5 days, recuperation at home about 1 month, depending on the number of jaws performed or other surgeries. and complications that may arise

How much does orthodontic treatment together with jaw surgery cost?

Orthodontics cost about 80,000 baht. The cost of jaw surgery depends on Number of jaws to  dissect and the hospital to operate with If it’s for the government, it’s about 50,000 baht per jaw. If it’s private, it’s about 50,000 baht per jaw. 100,000-200,000 baht

Do orthodontics together with jaw surgery hurt?

Due to surgery Therefore, pain and pain cannot avoid. The pain is more or less depending on the individual being different. The pain tolerance of each individual is not the same. So some say it hurts a lot. Different little pain.

Where is the best jaw surgery?

Wherever there are oral and maxillofacial dentists, and depending on the budget of each person, if it is government hospital,  it is cheaper than private.