Wisdom teeth

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Wisdom teeth is third molar teeth that are impact in tissue or jaw.

List of contents


What is a wisdom tooth (Impacted or Wisdom tooth)?

Impacted or Wisdom tooth is a tooth that cannot grow normally in the mouth. may appear only partially or embedded in the entire jawbone This is mostly due to lack of space (Lack of Spaces), Eruption Path, or something that prevents the tooth from rising. Obstructions in the ascent of teeth, such as thick gums, bone, thin teeth, or abnormal ascent direction

The teeth that are most often found to be wisdom teeth are the last lower molar teeth. which is the innermost part of the mandibular bone Mostly due to the size of the jaw not related to the size of the teeth.

Impact can be categorized into 3 levels.

  • Fully Impacted Tooth  is not protruding above the gums. can’t see X-rays are required to be seen. and may not have any symptoms at all Sometimes it can be painful as you get older. Some people experience wisdom tooth pain at the age of 50, which can be categorized into two levels: Soft Tissue Impacted Tooth and Bony Impacted Tooth. 


  • Partially Impacted Tooth:Wisdom teeth that protrude partially above the gums

     may emerge in an upright, incline, or horizontal position. and is always close to the adjacent teeth will rise in an incline or slant manner and can cause teeth to  stack Wisdom teeth that grow like this should have to  remove. Because it may cause oral problems in the future, such as infection in the gums around the wisdom teeth. or a toothache Therefore, you should have your wisdom teeth checked before the age of 20 to know how your wisdom teeth will come in. Will come up and squeeze the molar teeth in front or not? or in the event that the teeth do not come up to the end The dentist will take an X-ray to see if the wisdom tooth is slanting. Mesioangular Impacted Tooth, Vertical Impacted Tooth, or Distal Impacted Tooth, and if necessary, a dentist or oral surgeon recommends that the wisdom tooth be removed.


  • Wisdom teeth that pop out all over like any other tooth.

    In fact, if you get up to the fullest like normal teeth It may not have to be withdrawn. If you can maintain cleanliness.

In addition, other teeth may become ingrown, such as canines, which may pierce through the roof of the mouth. or sleep under the root of adjacent teeth Or implanted in the jawbone without protruding at all, it is also called an embedded tooth. Usually, canines develop around 11-13 years of age, premolar teeth, but they are less common than the last lower molar and canines.


How do you know if you have wisdom teeth?

In general, when the teeth in the mouth are not complete Observed from the presence of teeth at some point (Spacing) or not seeing the third molar tooth up. To suspect that there may be wisdom teeth. To be sure, see your dentist for an X-ray to be sure. Is the tooth missing (Missing Tooth) or is it embedded under the gums (Embedded Tooth) and

If it’s implanted, you’ll know where it’s implanted or how the tooth is implanted. Panoramic X-ray is best because we can see all teeth on X-ray at once, both jaws and both upper and lower jaws. including pathologies occurring in the jawbone

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Cause of wisdom teeth

The cause of wisdom teeth has not been studied for the exact cause. But if using Darwin’s theory of use and not use, since humans today have chewed soft food, small pieces, boiled to make the food softer. The use of the jaws therefore exerts less force, less work, and therefore naturally adapts by reducing the size of the jaws.

but at the same time The size and number of teeth did not decrease accordingly. Therefore, the size of the jaw is not related to the size and number of teeth, for example, if the size of the jaw is small but the size of the teeth The teeth cannot come up in the mouth. Cause wisdom teeth, so it’s not necessary that everyone has wisdom teeth.



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How to prevent the dangers of wisdom teeth

See a dentist for an examination and a panoramic X-ray to find out if an wisdom tooth is implanted or not. Have the wisdom tooth removed before the pain and swelling appear. or causing problems with neighboring teeth Surgery at a young age (18-25 years) is easy. Fast wound healing and few complications Therefore, if you have wisdom teeth, you need to have surgery to remove it so that you won’t have any negative consequences later.

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Why do wisdom teeth have to be removed? Can you not remove wisdom teeth?

There are many reasons for wisdom tooth surgery, including:

1. To prevent inflammation of the gums that cover the teeth. (Pericoronitis)  because the area with wisdom teeth is often the place where food particles  trap. difficult to clean Tooth brushing does not even result in

  • Adjacent teeth that have  bump can decay. Instead of extracting a single wisdom tooth The neighboring tooth had to be extracted as the impacted tooth had decayed as well.
  • Have severe toothache Because the wisdom tooth itself has a push to grow in the jaw. but was blocked by neighboring teeth Causing back pressure to press on the nerves of the jaw, severe pain, sometimes referred to pain after the position of the wisdom tooth to other areas of the face (Referred Pain), such as earache, eye pain, headache, etc.
  • Severe inflammation, gingivitis, swelling, bad breath, swollen cheeks, unable to open mouth
  • There was a dissolution of the jaws that has bump. The pressure from the wisdom teeth trying to push up. will cause the bone around the root of the tooth or adjacent tooth roots  destroy This will make the jawbone in that area thinner than others. when getting an accident or impact Jawbone in that area will be broken easily.
  • Become a cyst or tumor , the wisdom tooth left behind for a long time, the tissue that covers the wisdom tooth may be enlarged to become a cyst and then grow up without showing any symptoms Until eventually, the nearby teeth and bones around it are destroyed. If you’ve never been to the dentist, you’ll likely realize it again when you see a tilt face or one jaw is bigger than the other. If found, surgery must be removed quickly to reduce the chance of loss of jaw organs. and to maintain the same face shape But if the cyst or tumor is very large It may have to cut off some of the jaws. It is more difficult to maintain the same face shape.

  • Inflammation will spread under the chin or under the tongue. If left untreated for a long time, it will cause the spread of germs to other parts. of the body easily It is extremely dangerous.

2. Other purposes,such as in orthodontics, the third molar must  extract first to make it easier to move the other teeth. And the pressure of the wisdom teeth is still enough to push the adjacent teeth to continue to impact. together until the teeth can twist and stack In orthodontics, dentists often recommend that the wisdom tooth extract before inserting the tool.

3. Cause tooth decay problems Wisdom teeth can also cause problems with crooked teeth. Because wisdom teeth will have pressure on other teeth. Move up to the thick and huddle together. can cause crooked teeth (not the main cause)

4.Causes a puncture between the oral cavity and the sinus cavity. Available during extraction of wisdom teeth in the upper jaw Because the sinus cavity  prolapse as the age increases. Dissecting the upper wisdom tooth at an older age can cause a perforation between the mouth and the sinus cavity.

5.Can’t wear removable dentures , especially in the elderly who need the back of the denture to press on the bone. Area where wisdom teeth  impact causing the bone to melt, causing pain at the back of the denture.

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Contraindications for wisdom tooth surgery?

Wisdom tooth removal is contraindicated for patients with serious medical conditions. This is because these ailments can make surgery difficult. or may result in side effects that are harmful to health as follows:

  • Individuals with bone marrow death from radiation therapy for cancer.
  • Individuals with uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Persons with end-stage renal disease
  • The person with liver disease
  • Individuals with end-stage leukemia.
  • A person with lymphoma
  • The one with high blood pressure
  • Patient with an arrhythmia
  • Individuals using steroid therapy or cancer patients requiring chemotherapy If surgery  require, it will require special care. If the patient has an infection in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, it must  treat for inflammation and infection at the wound site first.
  • People with blood problems, such as Hemophilia. which is a blood clotting disorder Surgery should not perform until it  heal.
  • Pregnant women in the first or third trimester of pregnancy may avoid having their wisdom teeth remove until after the baby is born. But if this cannot  avoid, consult your dentist before surgery.
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What are the procedures for wisdom teeth removal? 

Wisdom tooth surgery is not as scary as you think. Your dentist will use an anesthetic or general anesthesia to relieve the pain and make the surgery easier. After that, the gums will be opened to reveal the teeth. Then use a tooth grinder to cut it out. Wash, clean and suture the wound close. That’s all. able to go home without having to recuperate at the hospital


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After wisdom tooth surgery, how should I act?

Wisdom teeth removal is a minor surgery. be able to go home after the surgery Recommendations after wisdom tooth surgery are as follows:

  • Bite the gauze firmly. Not too light or too strong, for 1 hour, swallow normally. This will help stop the bleeding and clots form inside. This will help the wound heal faster.
  • Do not spit blood and saliva. The clot that covers the wound may come off and may prevent the bleeding from stopping.
  • The roof has been lifted with gauze. If there is bleeding from the surgical wound Reapply the clean gauze for about 1/2 to 1 hour.
  • Apply ice compress to the outer cheek after the first day of surgery. and replace the hot compress with warm water bag the next day for another 1-2 days or until you feel normal to reduce swelling Never put ice in your mouth.
  • Take all medications as prescribed by your dentist.

  • Eat soft, not spicy food, avoid using a straw.
  • Avoid using the dissected side. Go for a while until you feel normal.
  • Refrain from exercising or playing sports.
  • Avoid using the dissected side. Go for a while until you feel normal.
  • Brush your teeth and clean your mouth as usual. but don’t get hurt
  • Cut the sutures 7 days after surgery, if there are sutures, but if the sutures are dissolved, they do not need to be cut. This type of silk will dissolve naturally while the wound heals within 3-5 days.
  • If there is more and more pain or the blood does not stop flowing to come back to see the dentist immediately without having to wait for the next appointment.


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Complications that may occur after wisdom tooth surgery.

  • Swelling of the cheek on the side of the surgery. especially in the first days after surgery It will then gradually improve, which can be applied with a cold compress immediately after surgery. to help reduce swelling
    Jaw pain symptoms will gradually subside within 7-10 days, but the jaw gums will remain bruised for approximately 2 weeks.
  • Pain.  If the wisdom tooth removal is complicated, the patient will experience quite a lot of pain.
  • Feeling strange tastes. in the mouth, such as the smell of blood from the wound that remains.
  • A sharp pain or numbness in the face, cheeks, lips, or tongue, which may occur from residual anesthetics, but is rare. or caused by tearing at the nerve endings It mostly occurs in cases where the wisdom tooth is deep near the nerve.
  • Should immediately return to see the dentist  If you have any of the following symptoms: fever, difficulty swallowing, trouble breathing, unusually heavy bleeding There is pus coming out of the tooth socket, numbness or weakness in the facial muscles.


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FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions about Impacted Tooth, Embedded Tooth

How many teeth does wisdom teeth have?

If you mean the wisdom teeth of the third tooth, there are about 4, but not always, some people may spontaneously disappear. But other teeth have the same chance of wisdom teething. The most common are canines and premolar teeth.

What are the symptoms after wisdom tooth surgery? Can you talk or eat?

Symptoms that can  see after wisdom tooth surgery are: There will be pain and swelling around the cheek on the side of the surgery for 2-3 days, the mouth can  open less. The painkillers and antibiotics you  get will alleviate the symptoms. Regarding food, we will have to eat soft food for a while. to prevent impact on the wound As for speaking, he could speak normally. But don’t talk too much or you’ll get hurt.


Can wisdom teeth not be dissected?

For some people, it embed in the jaws. It may not have any symptoms at all. But for some people, wisdom teeth or implact teeth may turn into a cyst or cancer and eat the jawbone. It’s very dangerous, so it’s better to remove it.

Characteristics of wisdom teeth that require surgery How must it be.

In general, all teeth that are present in the oral cavity should  cut. Especially teeth where wisdom teeth emerge in the mouth are prone to infection. Therefore, it should  severely dissect.

How many types of wisdom teeth are there?

If divide according to the characteristics that embed It can be divided into 3 levels: Fully Impact Tooth, Partially Impact Tooth, and Total Impact Tooth.

What are the symptoms of wisdom teeth?

Often, there will be severe toothache, swollen cheeks, fever, sometimes spreading to the under eye area. can’t open mouth.

Must have wisdom teeth removed first. Orthodontics everyone?

Most have to  surgical remove, unless orthodontists have a treatment plan in which the wisdom tooth will  extract and use in place of the extract molar.

Do wisdom teeth need surgery?

It depends on the amount of gum or bone that covers the wisdom tooth. A gum removal or bone grafting require to be able to remove the wisdom tooth and the direction of the wisdom tooth’s upward direction. If the upward direction of the wisdom teeth is very incline It has to be divided into smaller pieces in order to bring the teeth out.

What are wisdom teeth and how are they?

Wisdom teeth are teeth that cannot come up in the mouth on their own. May  cause by having too little space or the direction of the tooth’s upward direction is not right

Wisdom teeth pop out, what should I do?

It is one of the signs that we should have wisdom teeth extract. because there is a chance of infection.

What is wisdom tooth and what to do when toothache hurts?

Wisdom teeth are teeth that cannot come up in the mouth on their own. May  cause by having too little space or the direction of the tooth’s upward direction is not appropriate to see a doctor for further treatment planning.

Do wisdom teeth always need to have wisdom teeth removed?

Should  remove even if there are no symptoms except in the case that the wisdom tooth can grow up completely and we can clean thoroughly.

I have a toothache. Do I need surgery?

Go to see a doctor for further treatment planning Whether or not surgery  require depends on the amount of gum or bone covering the wisdom tooth. A gum removal or bone grafting is required to be able to remove the wisdom tooth and the direction of the wisdom tooth’s upward direction. If the upward direction of the wisdom teeth is very incline It has to  divide into smaller pieces in order to bring the teeth out.

Do you have wisdom teeth for everyone?

Not necessarily everyone Some people have wisdom teeth that can come up in the mouth as well. If take care of thoroughly, it can  use like other teeth.

I have wisdom teeth and my gums are swollen, what should I do?

If the gums  swell due to wisdom teeth It is a dangerous signal that If not promptly withdrawn, there may be more serious shop consequences later. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, see a dentist immediately. for further treatment.

What causes wisdom teeth?

The cause of wisdom teeth has not been studied for the exact cause. But if using Darwin’s theory of use and not use, since humans today have chewed soft food, small pieces, boiled to make the food softer. The use of jaws therefore exerts less force, less work, and therefore naturally adapts by reducing the size of the jaws at the same time. The size and number of teeth did not decrease accordingly. Therefore, the size of the jaw is not related to the size and number of teeth, for example, if the size of the jaw is small but the size of the teeth The teeth cannot come up in the mouth. Cause wisdom teeth, so it’s not necessary that everyone has wisdom teeth.

I have wisdom teeth and there is pus, what should I do?

If the gums are swollen and have pus due to wisdom teeth It is a dangerous signal that If not promptly withdrawn, there may be more serious shop consequences later. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, see a dentist immediately. for further treatment.

Wisdom tooth decay, what should I do? Can it  extract?

Should  rush to withdraw because of the wisdom teeth decay. In most cases, teeth that  impact by wisdom teeth will also decay. Some people may need to extract two teeth at once. Instead of extracting only the wisdom teeth.

Gum pain, gingivitis, swollen gums, pus, jaw pain from wisdom teeth, what should I do?

If you have swollen gums, gum pain, gingivitis, jaw pain due to wisdom teeth It is a dangerous signal that If not promptly withdrawn, there may be more serious shop consequences later. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, see a dentist immediately. for further treatment.

Which type of wisdom teeth do not need surgery?

Wisdom teeth can come up in the mouth as well. If taken care of thoroughly, it can  use like other teeth.

What type of wisdom teeth are difficult to remove?

There are wisdom teeth that have a very incline direction of upward; some people lie at 90 degrees, or teeth with bone covering the whole tooth or wisdom teeth that are deeply embed in the jawbone.

When do wisdom teeth occur?

In women, it is about 16-18 years old, and in men it is about 18-20 years old.

What is sleep wisdom teeth?

It is an wisdom tooth that tilt at 90 degrees.

There is a symptom that begins to become severe. There is an infection in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth. If it  very swell, an incision may  require to drain the pus as well.

Wisdom teeth make your mouth smell bad, right?

True, it may due to an infection in the mouth or insufficient cleaning due to wisdom tooth pain.

There is a polyp around the wisdom tooth, is it dangerous?

If there is a polyp while the wisdom tooth can grow normally can only cut the polyps off But if the direction of the upward protrusion of the wisdom tooth The wisdom teeth should  extract as well.

What is an wisdom tooth near a nerve?

It is an wisdom tooth that is deeply embed in the jawbone. and near the nerve

Which tooth is wisdom tooth?

It usually refers to the third molar tooth. but can occur with other teeth as well, such as canines and premolar teeth.

I have a toothache, gargle with salt water, can it help?

Rinsing can help you relieve the pain of wisdom tooth. For example, mix a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of salt. Swish the brine mixture in your mouth for 30 to 60 seconds, and then spit it out. You can repeat this method as many times as you like.

I have impact teeth and my face crook.

If the face  distort during the wisdom tooth pain May  cause by swelling of the cheeks which is a symptom of an oral infection urgently need to consult a dentist.

I have wisdom tooth, can it cause a headache?

if you have a headache due to wisdom tooth It is a dangerous signal that If not promptly withdrawn, there may be more serious shop consequences later. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, see a dentist immediately. for further treatment.

I have impact teeth and no symptoms, no pain, do I need to extract them?

Sometimes impact teeth show no symptoms at all. Until eventually, the nearby teeth and bones around it  destroy. If you’ve never see to the dentist, you’ll likely realize it again when you see a tilt face or one jaw is bigger than the other. which, if found, has to  surgical remove quickly to reduce the chance of loss of jaw organs and to maintain the same face shape But if the cyst or tumor is very large It may have to cut off some of the jaws. It’s harder to keep your face intact, so not having a toothache doesn’t mean you’re fine.

Can wisdom teeth make it heat?

It shouldn’t be, as it may cause more swelling.

Can I have my wisdom tooth extracted and can I pay for social security?

Wisdom tooth extraction can use to claim Social Security benefits. but may not cover all expenses Because most of the prices are over 900 baht.

Impact teeth come out, can it help slim face?

There is no reason to explain that Remove the wisdom tooth and the face will be slimmer.

Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Dr. Pornthip Fongcharoen (Mook)
Education background

Bachelor of Dentistry, Chiang Mai
University Graduate Certificate Department of Oral Medicine. Chulalongkorn
dental home. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Chulalongkorn University


Dr. Anon Thao Prayoon (Non)

Education background

Dentist, Bachelor of Dentistry, Thammasat
University Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental Council,
Certificate Basic Implant Dentistry Association of Implant Dentistry of Thailand


Dr. Ratthaphon Jongkonrat (Bom)

Education background

Bachelor of Dentistry, Prince of Songkla University
Dental Implant Mahidol University


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