Tooth filling

In today’s society, lifestyle and eating behavior There is a very high risk of developing dental caries. Due to the nature of food such as sticky sweets Starchy foods are sold everywhere, for example, which is an easy cause of tooth decay. if not treated until the loss of teeth prematurely Therefore, when tooth decay occurs Fillings are a way to prevent tooth decay from progressing further. This is considered the best initial treatment, economical and painless.

However when treating, it is important to take care of the oral cavity properly in order to be a lasting protection. This allows us to have good oral health and strong teeth in the future. When small cavities are found still no pain hurry up to fill the teeth If left until decay spreads to the dentin layer, there will be sensitivity. But if decay penetrates the tooth nerve, there will be severe toothache. and cannot be treated with fillings which the treatment will be more difficult such as root canal treatment which costs tens of thousands or may have to remove the teeth completely, which must be put on dentures The cost will be more expensive as the difficulty and complex of treatment.

การอุดฟันคือวิธีการรักษาฟัน โดยการทดแทนลักษณะโครงสร้างของฟันที่สูญเสียไป

What is a dental filling?

A filling is a method of treating teeth. by replacing the lost tooth structure Regardless of the cause.

1) Decay 

2) Broken or chipped due to accident

3) Worn teeth

4) Old, damaged or chipped filling material

5) Modify the shape or modify the color 

Which is not very large with filling material can be used and returned to its original shape This is to block the passage of bacteria or food particles from entering and causing damage to the dentin. It also prevents the progression of caries lesions. and reduce tingling or pain for beauty increase the efficiency of the conversation and the benefits of long-term use

Filling time The dentist will remove the decayed dentin and clean it. Then the filling material is added. to return to the normal tooth shape Can be used to chew food including being beautiful especially in the front teeth The dentist will examine and determine whether or not you should get a filling or not. The filling materials are gold, porcelain, composite resin. (dental fillings) and amalgam (fillings made of mercury, silver, copper, and zinc).

In the case of the loss of dentin structure in large quantities or teeth are very worn from heavy bites will treat that tooth By doing indirect restorations such as crowns, inlays or onlays to increase the life of the tooth.

Why do you need a tooth filling?

Many people may wonder why when we have cavities or holes, we need to fill the teeth as well, even though it’s only a small hole. A little overlooked problem If left chronic, one day it can become a big problem. Of course, from a small hole in the tooth, it turned into a serious symptom. Other things follow, such as gingivitis, purulent, tooth decay, tooth decay, or even fatal to oral cancer. Tooth decay can be treated in different ways, depending on the stage of the disease.

  • Initial cavities

    (A tooth that is almost decayed) looks like a tooth that has just started losing calcium. Due to the presence of microbial plaque on the teeth for a long time (more than 24 hours), it is often found in orthodontic patients.

  • People with removable or fixed dentures, or children who have not brushed their teeth for a long time. topical use of fluoride or brushing teeth With fluoride toothpaste, it will help heal teeth that are almost decayed. to return to normal by brushing teeth and discarding toothpaste then to remain in the mouth for at least 2 minutes, then spit it out it will help teeth Can not continue to decay (but for small children Be careful not to swallow toothpaste. because it may cause harm)

  • People with removable or fixed dentures, or those who wear orthodontic tools if you don’t care clean teeth well Will cause the accumulation of plaque easily. There is a risk of developing tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontitis as well.

  • Cavities that feed into the dentin layer

    When tooth decay is clearly visible in the phase of destruction only to the dentin Filling is the best way. to maintain good dentin Not to spread further, cheap, easy to make, does not hurt, but there will be some tingling.

  • Cavities with holes can eat more deeply and destroy until the inflammation spreads to the tooth nerve.  Treatment of dental caries is complicated, expensive, dental pain, known as root canal treatment , if dental pulp of teeth to eat. and much of the dentin was destroyed. There is no dentin left until that tooth can no longer be retained. The method of treatment is tooth extraction. 

It can be seen that fillings are a simple, convenient, painless, inexpensive treatment for caries. to prevent tooth decay from further spreading.

อุดฟัน ฟันผุแบบเริ่มต้น (ฟันที่เกือบจะผุ)ลักษณะจะเป็นแบบฟันเพิ่งเริ่มสูญเสียแร่ธาตุแคลเซี่ยม

Normal teeth

อุดฟัน ฟันผุแบบเริ่มต้น (ฟันที่เกือบจะผุ)

Initial cavities  (almost decayed teeth)

It looks like a tooth that has just started losing calcium. Due to the presence of microbial plaque on the teeth for a long time (more than 24 hours), it is often found in orthodontic patients. People with removable or fixed dentures, or children who have not brushed their teeth for a long time.

อุดฟัน ฟันผุแบบเป็นหลุมกินเข้าไปจนถึงชั้นเนื้อฟัน 

Cavities that feed into the dentin layer 

When tooth decay is clearly visible in the phase of destruction only to the dentin Filling is the best way. to maintain good dentin Not to spread further, cheap, easy to make, does not hurt, but there will be some tingling.

อุดฟัน ฟันผุแบบเป็นหลุมกินเข้าไปลึกมากขึ้น และทำลายจนมีการอักเสบลุกลามถึงโพรงประสาทฟัน 

Cavities with holes can eat more deeply and destroy until the inflammation spreads to the tooth nerve  

Treatment of this type of caries is difficult, complicated, toothache, expensive, called root canal treatment. If tooth decay eats into the tooth nerve cavity and much of the dentin was destroyed. There is no dentin left until that tooth can no longer be retained. The method of treatment is tooth extraction.

How many types of fillings are there? Which type is best?

Which fillings would you like? depending on the extent of decay individual intolerance to certain materials Areas that need fillings and prices. There are many types of filling materials.

Gold filling

Gold is an expensive and difficult material for dentists. which will be done in the laboratory The filling procedure is longer and more expensive than other methods, with gold inlays less irritating to the gums. It can last as long as 20 years and for this reason, many people choose gold as the best filling. However, it is the most expensive. and requires several visits to the dentist

The advantages of gold fillings

  • Durable
  • It has a service life of at least 20 years and does not rust.
  • Be strong Able to withstand a lot of occlusion
  • Beauty because some patients prefer amalgam fillings.

 Disadvantages of Gold Fillings

  • Color does not look like natural teeth.
  • Not suitable for patients allergic to metal.
  • Not suitable for front teeth that need beauty
  • The treatment process is complicated and has many steps.
  • Need to see the dentist more than 2 times.

Amalgam fillings (silver)

It is a durable, strong, and inexpensive filling material. However, due to its dark color, silver/grey color, it does not look attractive. Therefore, it is not commonly used in areas that are easily visible, such as the front teeth.

For patients with fillings The filling side should not be chewed for 24 hours due to the material used. In the early stages, there was still not full strength. There is a risk of breakage. However, you can chew your food normally after 24 hours.

Advantages of amalgam fillings

  • Be strong get good chewing force.
  • Have a long service life.
  • It costs less.
  • There is a process that is not difficult to do.

Disadvantages of amalgam fillings

  • Color does not look like natural teeth.
  • Do not use within 24 hours because the material has to harden.
  • Not suitable for patients allergic to metal.
  • Not suitable for front teeth that need beauty.
เปรียบเทียบ วัสดุ อมัลกัม กับ เรซิน

Comparison of amalgam and resin fillings.

Composite fillings are more beautiful. and at present Its strength is comparable to that of silver material.

การปิดช่องว่างด้วย การอุดฟันแบบคอมโพสิต สามารถปิดช่องว่างที่ไม่กว้างมากได้อย่างสวยงาม

Dental fillings, closing gaps in front teeth

Closing the gap with Composite fillings Able to close gaps that are not very wide beautifully. The disadvantage is that it may fall off if accidentally bitten on solids.

เปรียบเทียบการอุดฟันด้วยวัสดุ ทอง กับ คอมโพสิต

Comparison of dental fillings with gold material and composite.

At present, the filling material looks like a tooth. be strong enough to be used to fill the posterior teeth instead of gold-plated materials, which are expensive and require a number of steps.

Filling with tooth-colored composite (plastic)

Resin is a filling material that is similar in color to natural teeth. Therefore, it is often chosen for areas that require naturalness. and is the most commonly use today Can be use for fillings for both front teeth and molar teeth. The process of making it is a bit more complicate than the metal one. Because it must  do through light radiation only. The mixture  prepare and put directly into the decaying point. This step alternate with light irradiation in order to solidify the material. And if it hardens, the doctor will refinish the material again to decorate the teeth beautifully. This composite material may not be able to use to fill large areas of the tooth. due to being broken and deteriorate over time. It can also stain tea, coffee or tobacco and is not as durable as other materials.

They can last about 10 years.
Porcelain fillings, also known as inlays or onlays,  make in a laboratory and connect to the teeth. Can be color to match the color of your teeth. and is resistant to stains Porcelain fillings usually cover most of the tooth surface. The price is about the same as a gold filling.

Advantages of tooth-color fillings

  • They are beautiful because they  color like natural teeth.
  • Attaches to teeth and makes repairs easy. Less dentin loss in teeth grinding.
  • Can  use for both front teeth and molar teeth.
  • Teeth can  use immediately.
  • Safe as the material does not contain mercury.

Disadvantages of tooth-color fillings

  • More expensive than metal.
  • Less durable than metal.
  • Easy to stain from tea, coffee or cigarettes.

Other types of fillings are also available, such as glass ionomer, porcelain, etc. However, the choice of the type of restoration depends on many factors, such as the shape of the cavity to be replaced, the use. job oral position and patient satisfaction and must be at the discretion of the dentist as well

If tooth decay or fracture has destroyed most of the tooth Crowns may be necessary. Caries that reach the nerves can also be treated. root canal treatment (eliminate damaged nerves)

Preparation before filling the teeth.

This is because the dentist will use an anesthetic in the filling process.

  • If you have a congenital disease or take medication regularly Always inform the staff and dentist in advance.
  • Brushing and gargling should be done at home to make it easier for you to check your teeth.
  • You should eat first because in the case of metal fillings, you have to wait 24 hours before eating.

Filling process 

When the doctor has diagnose that the tooth can  fill. There will be a procedure for filling the teeth as follows.

Filling process Inspect the area where dents, defects or structural loss are found. Ask the patient about the symptoms of the tooth to restore. In addition, X-rays may  perform to assess the condition of the dental nerve cavity treatment plan taking into account the position, use, tooth characteristics and patient satisfaction

Have your teeth clean in preparation for restoration. In the case of very deep caries or the patient is very afraid Your doctor will administer a local anesthetic injection. so that the patient does not feel pain or patients have sensitivity in the procedure. Patients can inform the dentist to use an anesthetic to reduce tooth sensitivity. This anesthetic will work for about 2-3 hours, but in the case of a slight tooth decay, an anesthetic injection is not require. (Dentist will advise)

Your dentist will remove the decay, infect dentin. when the erosion is gone The dentist will insert restorations to replace the teeth. The dentist will adjust the holes on the teeth to prepare the fillings for different types of cavities.

  • If the material is tooth-color.

    There will be a process of inserting the resin material. Alternate with LED light irradiation, light irradiation to fully harden the material and adjust the material until the right size and shape are ready to use.

  • In the case of amalgam fillings.

    The dentist will press the material into the prepared hole. until it’s tight enough Then adjust until the right size and shape you want.
    to smooth the material It has a shiny, homogeneous look with natural teeth, ready to use.

  • Dental occlusion examination. Eliminate excess material on the occlusal side. by chewing the blue and red paper to know where to rewrite Areas where the material exceeds the occlusal boundary. Polished for beauty and smoothness. Reduce the sticking of food waste and increase the service life

Precautions to be taken after dental fillings.

  1. After filling if it is amalgam material. Do not use the filling tooth to chew food within 24 hours as the amalgam material used to fill the tooth is not strong enough, so chew the unfilled side of food first. Be careful about eating Choose soft foods first to wait for the amalgam material to be at its full strength. Therefore, it can be used to chew normally, but if it is a tooth-colored material can be used immediately.
  2. Be careful not to allow chewing to affect the tooth filling.
  3. After filling your teeth, you should see your dentist again. to polish and beautify and check whether the filling material still in strong condition still have the correct shape no chipping or breaking.

  4. If the filling material breaks There may be a fracture spreading to the dentin in the good part around the filling. therefore should see a dentist.
  5. For those who have tooth sensitivity after filling for more than 24 hours, should refrain from food that is very hot or cold before biting hard, especially filling with tooth-like material or deep cavities. Tooth sensitivity will gradually decrease. According to the time and if more than 1 month still have sensitive teeth should see a dentist because there may be other complications.

Taking care of yourself after fillings.

In order to maintain the condition of the teeth after filling the teeth well should always practice to take care of oral hygiene to be clean.

  • You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, or you can increase your brushing after eating as well.
  • Should  clean with dental floss at least 1-2 times a day.
  • Fluoride mouthwash should  use daily before going to bed, hold it for about 1 minute, and do not drink water or eat within 30 minutes.

  • You should see your dentist every 6 months.
  • In case of tooth sensitivity or toothache or there is a break and fall of the filling material You should see a dentist immediately.

  • Even though fillings are important treatments that help keep teeth intact for ten years. But the best way is Daily cleaning of teeth, gums and oral cavity.


Fillings are the preferred method of treatment by dentists for most people with cavities. But the best prevention is to take care of your own oral health. with the right brushing Reduce the habit of eating food that is sticky to the teeth. misuse of teeth likes to chew solids, etc. and visits the dentist regularly 1-2 times a year to check oral health, if tooth decay should see a dentist so that if there is little decay, it will be filling easily, not expensive, cheap, but if there is so much decay that it cannot be treated by filling It will have to  treat by root canal treatment and crowns, which will cost more.

Frequently asked questions about fillings.



There is a chance of pain or sensitivity in the process of grinding teeth. because if tooth decay is deep The location where tooth decay may be located is near the nerve cavities. but don’t be afraid Because the doctor will give local anesthesia before the teeth grinding. to prevent tooth sensitivity that may occur But for some people with little cavities may not need an anesthetic injection at all.

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The filling can do and complete in one day. But in the case that the patient has a number of teeth that need to  fill with many teeth. This may do by gradually receiving dental fillings.

What kind of cases should  fill the teeth?


Most of the time, almost all cases can  clog. Except in case of tooth decay or breakage, it is better to  treat with veneers or crowns. Let’s see which teeth can  fill.

  • Molar teeth Can  block and should be absolutely necessary to be plug. Because the molar teeth are the main function of chewing food. If the pillar is wound, it won’t work well, right?
  • Crack tooth chip tooth broken tooth.
  • Gaping teeth.

The dentist will fill the teeth by using a tooth-colored filling material to fill the teeth according to the size of each tooth. Or anyone with a larger budget can also make veneers to close the gaps between teeth.

Tooth sensitivity after filling

Tooth sensitivity after filling


Generally, tooth sensitivity after treatment is rare. Fillings can  make and complete in one day.

Can teeth  gap or not?

Can teeth gap or not?


Problems with the gap between the front teeth causing insecurities, not dare to smile, losing personality and not wanting to have braces Because it takes a long time or doesn’t want to do veneers due to the high cost, fillings can help solve gaps in teeth. or as we call it filling the gap between teeth

Filling gaps between teeth is cosmetic dentistry. Tooth-color composite resin fillings  use to cover the spaces between the teeth by choosing the color of the filling material that is close to the original tooth color. and adjust the shape to match the natural teeth like neighboring teeth

But the limitation is that it cannot do in a very large area. Might have to use the method of orthodontics, veneers should be good.

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ฟันที่ได้รับการอุดจะอยู่กับเราได้นานเท่าใด ?

It depends on many factors such as

1.Type of filling material used.

2. Chewing, use, food selection that is not too hard and sticky.

3. Good oral hygiene care.

4. Individual behavior such as bruxism, brushing too hard, etc.

Side Effects and Risks of Dental Fillings

Side Effects and Risks of Dental Fillings

Will be at risk with

Patients with heart problems. Your dentist may give you a prescription antibiotic before starting the filling procedure. This is because some procedures can allow bacteria in the mouth to enter the bloodstream and cause infections in the body, such as endocarditis. Antibiotics before the procedure can reduce the risk of endocarditis, especially in the heart valves.

High blood pressure Sometimes fillings require an anesthetic injection. There will be a risk of complications as well.

or have other congenital diseases, must inform the dentist every time Not just fillings

Where is the best place to fill your teeth?

Where is the best place to fill your teeth?

Actually, fillings can be anywhere. according to general dental clinics Except in case of cracks or cracks, it would be better to have a doctor with specialized expertise, which at Modern Smile we have a doctor with specialized expertise. Call for a free consultation.  Click below

can contact for free consultation at the link below





อุดฟันหน้าราคา เท่าไหร่

The price is not expensive, the price is about 800-1,500 baht, depending on how difficult it is and the complexity of doing it. Interested call for a free consultation by following the link below.

tooth decay


Fillings can  perform on large cavities. But it depends on the rest of the good dentin as well. how much is left And how many walls around it, good town, better consult with a doctor to know whether or not And how much is the price? Call now. Free consultation..

Dental fillings, anesthetic injections



Anesthetic injection for filling It mostly depends on how deep the caries hole is, if it reaches the dentin layer. or near the tooth nerve The doctor will then give him an anesthetic injection. But in some cases, the patient is very afraid of fillings. was able to express his wish to the doctor that want to inject anesthetic for fear of dental work.

tooth-colored fillings


Nowadays, tooth-colored fillings It is as strong and durable as metal, so tooth-colored fillings are not only popular for the front teeth, but also for the back teeth. Now people are also popular with tooth-colored fillings.

How many types of fillings are there?


There are about 3 types

Tooth-colored fillings

metal tooth filling

Onlay filling Most of them use materials such as gold or porcelain.


The timing of fillings will vary depending on the position of the tooth, the condition of the tooth decay, and the patient’s cooperation. which usually takes 30 – 45 minutes/s.

Dentist specializing in dental fillings.

Dr. Sukit Supavarangkul (Golf) ทพ.สุกิจ ศุภวรางกูล (กอล์ฟ)

Dr. Isaraporn Youngsungnoen (Nam) ทพญ.อิศราภรณ์ ยังสูงเนิน (น้ำ)

Dr. Praphai Chongsathien (Pai) ทพญ.ประไพ จงเสถียร(ไพ)

Dr. Kochaporn Mongkollikit (Baifern) ทพญ.กชพร มงคลลิขิต (ใบเฟิร์น)

Dr.Pitchthida Euawiboonkit (Nat) ทพญ.พิชญ์ธิดา เอื้อวิบูลย์กิจ (แน็ต)

Dr. Rujira Singh (Angel) ทพญ.รุจิรา ซิงห์ (แองเจิ้ล)

Dr. Ratthaphon Jongkonrat (Bom) ทพ.รัฐพล จงกลรัตน์ (บอม)